Jun 23, 21

Papavero Highlight

Inspired by Mughal depictions of poppies, our Papavero is updated in scale and color for the modern home. The paper is a core part of our Madagascar Collection, which wallpaper hangers say is an absolute DREAM to work with!

Alessandra's Papavero paper is an instant classic: tailored, timeless, and with a touch of whimsy.

Alessandra's Papavero paper is an instant classic: tailored, timeless, and with a touch of whimsy.

Ariel Okin

My favorite!This paper brings me so much joy!

My favorite!This paper brings me so much joy!

Kara Miller

✤ More Madagascar ✤

Our Madagascar collection captures the natural texture of grasscloth while incorporating crisp and consistent prints in a range of styles. Despite their bold contrasts, these paperweave designs function soothingly as a neutral foundation in otherwise busy interiors.

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