Mirror Magic
From myths to fairytales, few enchanted objects hold as much mystery as mirrors. There’s the infamous legend of Bloody Mary (Mary I of England), eternally waiting to be freed from her glass prison, or the ancient practice of scrying, the attempt to see visions in reflective surfaces. Then there’s psychomanteum, a method from ancient Greece where mirrors were used in dim rooms to contact spirits.

✤ Mirror, Mirror on the Wall ✤
Lest we forget, mirrors aren’t all spooky! Some Japanese superstitions suggest that mirrors hold both protective and malevolent powers, with some even considered sacred. In Russian, Asian, Middle Eastern, and Aztec lore, mirrors are celebrated for their purifying, protective, healing, and divinatory qualities— giving us and our homes all that is light and bright in the universe.
For our part, all it takes is one walk through the luminous Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, or their dazzling use in the work of designers like Frances Elkins and Tony Duquette, to remind us of their power.

✤ Mirror Rose ✤
From the earliest polished metal “mirrors” in ancient Egypt, China, and Mesopotamia, mirrors have been used to expand upon and refract light as creatively as possible. Christophe Gaignon's celestial reflectors are modern interpretations of this alchemy. Each sculptural orb is unique, with no two pieces made exactly the same.

✤ Baroque-Style Mirror ✤
Louis XV-style opulence is alive and well in an ornate ceramic frame. Embrace the spooky season with hand painted insect detailing, bright color washes and cheeky details…

✤ Square Rattan Mirror ✤
Any interior we can imagine would benefit from the bold lines and clean structure of Gabriella Crespi’s mid century Italian frames. In the style of her iconic rattan pieces, this mirror is a crisp counterpoint in any space.