Oct 06, 20
Black, White, and Red All Over
Red is exuberant. Some scientists think it’s the first color we "see" in the womb, but the fun doesn’t stop there! Everyone looks wonderful in a red room. Your skin glows. An instant lift! Chinese red, Pompeian red, American-flag red…so many cultures have embraced it, and they can't all be wrong! Alessandra has rarely done a home without a touch of red. It sparks up a room and gives it life. But if you’re wary of color, pick out just one element, like the lampshades or the pillows, to introduce a pop.

Most people find red exciting. I think it's calming.

Shots of red and black add drama to a neutral backdrop. Red is passion and joy, but black is more sobering–it gives a room depth, history, and age, bringing the room back down to earth. The combination of the two colors is very powerful.